Storing Data Globally
In certain cases (e.g. in a cache that holds all currently loaded instances of a machine), you might need to store data in a global (static and mutable) variable.
When doing so, you need to ensure that remote and serverside instances don't get mixed up.
Using SideLocal<T>
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To make working with this requirement easier, You can use SideLocal<T>
to store your global data.
It is similar to Java's ThreadLocal
, but operates on the game's sides instead.
If you are currently on the remote side (GTCEuAPI.isClientThread()
/ on the client's main
thread), it will return the
remote side's instance of your data. Otherwise, you will get the server side's instance.
Example Usage
public class MyCache {
private static SideLocal<Map<UUID, MyData>> cache = new SideLocal<>(HashMap::new);
public static void cacheData(UUID id, MyData data) {
cache.get().put(id, data);
public static MyData getData(UUID id) {
return cache.get().get(id);
Alternatively to passing an initializer for both instances to SideLocal
's constructor, you can also supply
separate instances for the remote and server side.