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Creating Active Blocks

An Active Block is a block that changes its model when the multiblock it is a part of is running, like the Engine Intake Casing or the Assembly Line casing.

You can create one in KubeJS's block registry event by adding 'gtceu:active' as the block type. The blockstate JSON will be autogenerated for you.

Three standard types are available, .simple(), .firebox(), and .bloom():

  • .simple(texture) creates a block that uses the same texture on all 6 sides and switches between its inactive and active textures. The active texture must have the _active suffix.
  • .firebox(bottom, side, top) creates a firebox casing that will light up with flames when active.
  • .bloom(texture) creates a block that lights up when active, like the Assembly Line casing. The bloom texture must have the _bloom suffix.

When using these three standard types, the block's model JSON is automatically generated for you.

If you want to make a more intricate Active Block, you can omit the standard type and instead provide your own model JSON files. You need two model files - one for the base state and one for the active state - placed at models/block/BLOCK_ID.json and models/block/BLOCK_ID_active.json in your KubeJS assets.

Example Script

StartupEvents.registry('block', event => {
    event.create('custom_engine_intake_casing', 'gtceu:active')
        // The active texture should be 'kubejs:block/casings/custom_engine_intake_active'
        .displayName('Test Engine Intake')

    event.create('custom_firebox', 'gtceu:active')
        .displayName('Test Firebox')

    event.create('custom_bloom', 'gtceu:active')
        // The bloom texture should be 'gtceu:block/casings/fusion/superconducting_coil_bloom'
        .displayName('Test Bloom')