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Creating and Modifying Ore Veins

You can create your own custom ore veins using KJS.
It is also possible to modify or even delete existing ones.

Creating New Veins

GTCEuServerEvents.oreVeins(event => {
    event.add("kubejs:custom_vein", vein => {
        // Basic vein generation properties
        vein.weight(200) // [*] (1)
        vein.clusterSize(40) // [*] (2)
        vein.density(0.25) // [*] (3)
        vein.discardChanceOnAirExposure(0) // (4)

        // Define where the vein can generate
        vein.layer("deepslate") // [*] (5)
        vein.dimensions("minecraft:overworld") // (6)
        vein.biomes("#minecraft:is_overworld") // (7)

        // Define a height range:
        // You must choose EXACTLY ONE of these options! [*]
        vein.heightRangeUniform(-60, 20) // (8)
        vein.heightRangeTriangle(-60, 20) // (9)
        vein.heightRange(/* ... */) // (10)

        // Define the vein's generator:
        vein.generator(/* ... */) // [*] (11)

        // Add one or more type of surface indicator to the vein:
        vein.addIndicator(/* ... */) // (12)
  1. An ore vein's weight determines the chance of it being chosen over another vein type, to be generated at a possible vein location.
    The higher the weight, the more frequently an ore vein type will be generated.
  2. Cluster size determines the diameter of an ore vein.
  3. The density determines how frequently ores occur inside the vein.
  4. Determines the chance of an ore block being skipped when it is exposed to air. Must be between 0 and 1.
    Default: 0
  5. See Layers & Dimensions
  6. Limits vein generation to the supplied dimensions. Note that these vein's layer must be applicable for them.
    Default: All dimensions of the vein's layer.

    Accepts any number of parameters.
  7. Determines the biome (or biome tag) the vein can generate in.
    Default: If no biome is explicitly set, the vein will generate in any biome.

    Accepts either a single biome tag (prefixed with #), or any number of individual biomes.
  8. Uniformly distributed across the height range
  9. Biased towards the center of the height range
  10. You can also use Minecraft's HeightRangePlacement directly, instead of the above shorthand versions:
        height: {
            type: "uniform",
            min_inclusive: {
                absolute: -60
            max_inclusive: {
                absolute: 20
  11. See Generators for a list of available generators.
  12. See Generators for a list of available generators.
Creating a new biome tag for your ore vein

In case you want to limit your ore vein to multiple biomes that don't have a common tag yet, you can either specify all biomes manually, or you can create a biome tag:

ServerEvents.tags('biome', event => {
    event.add('kubejs:my_biome_tag', 'minecraft:forest')
    event.add('kubejs:my_biome_tag', 'minecraft:river')

You can then use your biome tag by simply calling vein.biomes('#kubejs:my_biome_tag') in your vein definition.

Removing an Existing Ore Vein

GTCEuServerEvents.oreVeins(event => {
Removing all ore veins

If you want to remove all predefined ore veins (for example if you want to completely change ore generation in your modpack), you can use the following code:

GTCEuServerEvents.oreVeins(event => {

You can also filter the veins you want to remove:

event.removeAll((id, vein) => id.path != "magnetite_vein_ow")

Modifying Existing Veins

GTCEuServerEvents.oreVeins(event => {
    event.modify("gtceu:cassiterite_vein", vein => {

The API for vein modifications is the same as for creating new veins.

Moving veins to other dimensions

When moving one of the default veins to another dimension, keep in mind that you also have to change their biome(s) accordingly.

Modifying ALL existing veins

You can also modify all existing ore veins at once:

GTCEuServerEvents.oreVeins(event => {
    event.modifyAll((id, vein) => {
        console.log("Modifying vein: " + id)